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Building rapport

 Building rapport

Building familiarity

Familiarity is a state of harmonious understanding with another individual or group that makes communication greater and easier. In other words, familiarity is getting along well with another person or group of people through the presence of common things; Which usually makes the communication process easier and more effective. Sometimes familiarity arises naturally. You “get along” or “fit in” with another person without having to try, and that is often how friendships are built. However, familiarity can be built and developed by finding commonalities, building connection, and being emotional. . This article looks at rapport and how it can be built, especially when meeting new people. Familiarity is important in our professional lives and in our personal lives. For example, employers tend to hire people who they believe will get along with current employees. It is also easier to form and develop personal relationships when there is a closer connection and understanding between the parties involved, that is, when there is greater familiarity.

Break the Ice

When meeting someone for the first time, these simple tips will help you ease the tension in the situation; Which allows both parties to feel more relaxed and thus communicate more effectively:
  • Resort to topics that do not make the other feel threatening and are “safe” to start small talk: Talk about the shared experiences you had, the weather, and how you traveled to the place you are. In it. Avoid talking too much about yourself and avoid asking direct questions about the other person.
  • Listen to what the other person is saying and look for common experiences or circumstances: this will give you more topics to talk about in the early stages of communication.
  • Try to include an element of humor: Shared laughter creates harmony. Tell a joke about yourself or the situation or circumstances you are in, but avoid telling jokes about other people.
  • Be aware of your body language and non-verbal cues. What you are sending: Try to maintain eye contact for about 60% of the time. Relax and lean slightly towards the other person to indicate that you are listening. Mirror their body language if appropriate.
  • Show understanding, show that you can see The other person's point of view. Remember that familiarity is about finding similarities and “compatibility” with another person, so being understanding will help achieve this. Make sure that the other person feels involved but not interrogated at the beginning of the conversation. Just as you may feel nervous and uncomfortable when meeting and talking to a new person, others may feel that way, too. . Let the other person relax. This will enable you to relax and allow the conversation to take a natural course.

Behaviors that help build rapport

  • If you are sitting, lean forward towards the person Whoever you are talking to with open hands and uncrossed arms and legs, this is open body language and will help you and the person you are talking to feel more relaxed. Look at the other person about 60% of the time, make frequent eye contact, but be careful not to make the other person feel uncomfortable.
  • When you listen to them, nod your head and make encouraging sounds and gestures.
  • Smile !
  • Use the other person's name early in the conversation. This not only appears polite, but it will also reinforce the name in your mind, making it less likely that you'll forget it!
  • Ask the other person open-ended questions; Open-ended questions require more than a yes or no answer.
  • Use the performance evaluation to summarize, present, and clarify to the other person what you think they mean. This gives an opportunity to quickly correct any misunderstandings.
  • Talk about things that reference what the other person said, find connections between shared experiences.
  • Try to show understanding, show that you can understand how the other person feels and that you can see things from their point of view. When you agree with the other person, say it frankly and state the reason.
  • Continue your speech by taking advantage of the other person’s ideas.
  • Do not pass judgment on the other person. Forget stereotypes and any preconceived ideas you may have. About the person.
  • If you have to disagree with the other person's point of view, say why first and then say you disagree.
  • Admit when you don't know the answer to a question or when you make a mistake, Being honest is always the best approach. Admitting mistakes will help build confidence. Be natural while using visual and verbal behaviors that combine to increase your influence in communication.
  • Offer a compliment, avoid criticism, and be polite.
From the book 44 Amazing < /b>
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